From Washington State Department of Commerce:
- The Safe Start plan requires employees to wear masks while indoors if unvaccinated.
- Gatherings must be socially distant for those not living in the same immediate household & less than 5 people total.
- Outdoor sessions should be used as much as possible.
- Photographers should maintain social distancing, using no-touch posing methods.
From Life Under the Stars Photography:
- I am fully vaccinated and will be wearing a mask at all times during indoor sessions. I am happy to wear a mask for outdoor sessions and will ask your preference (families being photographed will not be required to wear masks, unless you want one funny photo at the end).
- I will primarily be using my long 70-200mm lens.
- I will not be able to adjust hair, clothing etc. and will be relying on extra help from parents to do this with my coaching.
- I will be limiting sessions and not taking excessive amounts of new clients to aid in continuing to flatten the curve and limit non-essential travel etc.
- I will not be overlapping sessions or creating timing conflicts where family units may come into contact with one another.
- Any studio sessions with backdrops can be taken in my garage with the door open upon request otherwise they will be held in my high vaulted room with windows and doors open for airflow.
If you’re ready to book a session, please be sure to contact me! I’m so thankful for the unwavering support of my amazing clients and supporters.